Selasa, 24 November 2009

Overcoming Practical Step 10 Troubel On Electric Guitar

For a guitarist, a guitar considered biased or a favorite item that considers a friend and even as a boyfriend. However a guitarist, will always try to understand and continue to share with his guitar. So what if your favorite guitar suddenly problematic. Here are 10 practical steps to overcome them.
1. Fret Buzzing or creaking
often cool to play guitar when suddenly we were startled by the sound of creaking guitar fret because one column is not the same. This is what is called the Fret Buzzing, or voice out one of the friction effect has eroded fret guitar. If you have this, you should do is take the paper brush, and diluting the fret the more prominent.

However you have to do with the careful and measured. Or if it is not bias, should be re-fret fretting or re-installation, only this should be done by experts to be the result satisfactory.
2. The sound of guitar noise or noise
Most of the noise on the guitar sound is because there is a cable connection that is not perfect. Most often these events happen that ground wire connected to a potentiometer body is not attached properly. Alternatively, the cable opening in the guitar body belakan not close completely. Overcome this bias justifies itself with the existing cable channels, cable opening and closing properly.
3. Neck or crooked Stang
This incident we often encounter on guitar, this is reasonable because the neck position to hold tension gut. The fix is easy, simply by loosening sting and turn truss rod atu approximately half a lap. Do it carefully because if too tight a broken truss rod bias.
4. No "In Tune" In the High Tone
This problem is referred to as intonation problems, and that should be done is to adjust the location of the bridge saddles. In the adjustment is correct saddle position of the string guitars 6 to 1 is usually not flat. For example: the stem is a string 1 (E) with a tuner, check the open positions on the fret string 12 and 24 must show exactly the same tone on the tuner. If the 12th fret note (E) generated higher with the string open positions towards the front of the sliding saddle. But if the tone of (E) in the lower 12 fret with the open string position is shifted towards the back of the saddle. Do well on another string.
5. If A Disconnect String, String Others became Regis
This incident caused the position of the bridge plate is not attached to the guitar body so that the bridge was not in a state of Floating or not in the zero position. Especially when using the bridge system up and down, a broken string of bias be a disaster for the other five strings to tune or the key. The fix is to tighten each spring on the back of the guitar body, until the whole bridge plate is attached to the guitar body.
6. Rusty String
Although these natural events, visits from a guitar string material is usually coated with nickel or steel, although they both have different levels of rust but the sweat from the hands that have acid sifatt will accelerate the process of rust or corrosion. This fact can not be avoided, only slowed by applying bias special ciran the Guitar Polish and the like.
7. The guitar sound shrinking
This is because the output from the pick-up weakened. If the coil in the pick-up is active and bekeja using batteries, check battery condition may have been discharged and need to be replaced with a new battery. To remember the components forming the pick-up the main magnets, and magnetic forces are not permanently fixed. It could be a decline in power, because the pick-up used in exposure under the sun light or heat for too long
8. Noise At Exit Beep Volume and Tone
This bias problem caused by dirty potentiometer. How to overcome that is by cleaning itself potensio using cleaner. The process is to lift the cover potensio then circled potensio while spraying a liquid cleaner.
9. Often Disconnected Guitar Sound-off
This problem is very common, usually the main cause of imperfect coaxial cable connection. The fix is easy to check directly with or directly replace it. Another thing that happens is normally the disorder, the female jack that is embedded in the guitar body, if this is the case, you must open the cover screws and open the screw cap and check the jack house, usually the legs of the jack house menggapit loose and not properly . When this happens you membengkokan bias and merapatkanya back.
10. Tune guitar tremolo bar Changed When Played
On guitar with Double Locking System / Floyd Rose System This case often occurs when the handle is often played vibrato, guitar strings or tuning becomes key. This is very possible because locking is not perfect in the "nut"
Now you know and biased increasingly understood well your favorite guitar. Once you know this trick can menularkanya on others. But that must be remembered, you must remain confident guitarist.
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guitar care

Clean my string
After playing, guitar strings you will get the sweat, dirt, etc.. If not cleaned, this will cause corrosion, rust and this will erode your fret out.
Strings can be wiped clean in a way t-shirts with the material, if necessary string soaked with liquid cleaner. Clean all parts of the string (the top & bottom).

Home my guitar
Make sure your guitar has a "home" to protect it from dirty air outside, and from the impact, or hardcase Softcase Good. Softcase lighter and easier to bring where where, while the hardcase to protect a total of collision. depending on your choice.
Always store your guitar in a case when not played.

Guitar Bathroom
Like us, the guitar also need a shower. Not that was brought into the bathroom and flush, with just enough material di'lap t-shirts, good body, neck, let alone the pickup under the string that must be cleaned dust difficulty (for it can use a paintbrush), just until kinclong again. If necessary, use liquid guitar polish.

Changing Strings
If your strings are rusty, replace! if not, is not only bad play, but the color of his voice also becomes not karuan, and damage to fret guitars .. not to mention the finger pain euy!
Get used to change your guitar strings a set, as well as 6! this is to prevent the color spots between the strings sound new and old strings. So if you have long strings and broke one of them, it is advisable to replace them.
It's so much money out .. no pain, no gain!

Clean Fretboard
Fretboard, is the breeding place of grime and sweat climbing processed and distributed entities issued through finger finger pressing the string. If left too long, can manjadi crust. So each time you change the strings, all clean fretboardnya dong.
The first way is a waste must be scraped using a blunt object, the most readily available of course a guitar pick. Then after a clean, wipe again with a T-shirt material.
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Ibanez SR506 6-String Electric Bass

Since 1987, bassists who want the power and versatility of active electronics and the speed of the fastest neck available have made Soundgear standard equipment in every genre. As music evolves, so does the Soundgear concept. The SR500 family is one example of this evolution. The SR506 models feature a fast SR6 neck (bubinga/wenge), a mahogany body, and Bartolini MK1 pickups. Onboard Bartolini 3-band EQ provides precise tone control.

SR Series Features
Thinner necks with thinner nuts than traditional basses.

Sleek bodies that are lightweight, balanced and comfort contoured.

Active EQ's perfectly matched with the right choice of passive or active pickups.

Sleek, sexy and sonically versatile are the reasons Soundgears can be found in every kind of music from gospel to goth to garage rock. Bassists who want the power and versatility of active electronics and fastest neck available have made the Soundgear standard equipment in the most controlled studio environments and the most out-of-control live performances.
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Eminem New Album in 2009 Bestsellers

Los Angeles - Throughout the year 2009, the latest Green Day album scored the highest sales in its first week. Now the punk band has been shifted latest Eminem album.

5th album Eminem is entitled 'Relapse' was just released last week. Quoted detikhot from NME, Thursday (28/5/2009) the album immediately pursued music lovers.

'Relapse' sales figures scored as many as 608 thousand copies in the first week of release. The numbers are shifting a printed record album '21st Century Breakdown 'of Green Day.

According to Nielsen SoundScan, the album Green Day scored 166 thousand copies in its first week. Now the title of best-selling 2009 album, was shifted to Eminem.

Eminem's emergence has been long awaited. But soon there were several musicians who are ready to launch his album. I wonder who's going to shift Eminem huh?
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tips on choosing the former drum

Increasingly high prices of musical instruments, making a lot of people to think twice to have a new musical instrument. Recent years seem increasingly widespread sale of instruments used (second). This may be caused also by the economic conditions our country is not stable. Therefore, selecting thrift (for various needs) are often used as an alternative because of course the price offered buyers more affordable bag.

Choosing the junk, in the case in musical instruments, caution is required. We might choose the wrong things. Goods whose appearance is not necessarily look good can produce the perfect sound or the way we want, and vice versa. For that, keep in mind some tips or understanding of the goods to be purchased.

Here are some tips to keep in mind if when you will choose the former set of drums.

1. Tension Rods

Check whether the tension rods are still functioning properly, then check dratnya. If the condition is a bit rusty, do not be afraid because this is quite easy to handle. Self-cleaned with a brush or a brush. Before cleaning, should first be soaked with gasoline.
2. Ring / Hoops
Look, if the surface of the ring / hoopsnya flat / sharp because if not flat / bent, this will make a tom sound overtones / Flanging. This can be felt when we play the drums.
3. B.D. Spurs
Feet on the drum bus is very important because if the condition is not stable / not robust, will affect the game a drummer. Of course, this kind of drum legs can not support all the components of the drum during the set. I could have a mess kit when a drummer plays his drum.
4. Hardware
* How to test it, setlah with cymbals attached conditions. If rocking or still can be played while the tripod poles remain, meaning there is a problem at home wing nut (worn).
* Pedal: Try setting the position of the bass drum. If the pedal beater PJ reflection less suspension (flexible wrong), check each side and tighten. If not functioning well, means statement was weak (gear). On both sides, the ball in it have a lot of broken, thereby reducing the accuracy on the pedal as a whole.
* Niklat: Check the suspension (also in check in a set), check the hi-hat clutch / lock the hi-hat cymbals. Can be tested by how to play the hi-hat floorboard. If the condition is not perfect, then the hi-hat sounds are played to be uneven.

Check the condition of the boom stand, straight stand, snare stand, rubber feet, wing bell, tripod brace, wing nut, cymbals filters, foam, and memory lock. Such hardware is typically less attention, because most of someone more concerned with appearance and soundnya only. Yet this hardware will greatly influence the stability of the drum itself.
There are several ways to test, namely:
5. Shell

Thorough with good conditions on tom wood, for example, bearing aedge, tickness, there are cracked or not, flat surface on the shell or not, it is vital / main because it is associated with the sound quality / tone. Neither the shell is made of steel, including the key to shellnya.
6. Drumhead

Check the skin condition / drumhead on the toms, floor, snare, and bass drum. Special snare drum, snare bed look at the surface or mat for snappy, also the condition on / off on stranner, is still going well. Including device Dreamhead vital enough to see the condition of the drum set. If it had perforated drumhead / torn or worn, you should replace with a new drumhead because it greatly affects the sound, although the condition of other spare part pretty good.
7. Tom Holder

Check the locked state with a tight condition. Is tom in solid or still rocking / shifting, check memory lock on clamp, then loosen and setlah on the desired size, then tighten it again. Tom conditions are less stable holder will certainly affect the comfort of a drummer when playing the drum kit.
8. Mounting Bracket

Bracket associated with tom and bass drum. Check the bolt, whether on the wing hat drat still in good condition or has worn away. If dratnya dirty / rusty, this can be cleaned with cleaning means such as tension rods. However, if worn condition, the stability of the drum itself is difficult to secure.
9. Lugs

Check the condition of each of lugs one by one. Usually, old drum / unkempt have crack problems (broken) on lugs. This is also related to the stability of the drum set itself, which also will affect the comfort of the game.

Some tips on top may be able to give some idea how to choose the former drummer. At least reduce some possible mistakes in selecting a drum that will be bought secondhand. Happy shopping.
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guitar learning techniques

Guitar tablature or tab is easy to read and should be easy to write if you want to send (submit) a song that you have done himself. The idea is this:

Start with 6 lines (or four for bass). This relates to the strings of the instrument. The top line is the highest string. and the line underneath the lower strings. Below is a bit empty of the tab with the name of the string on the left.

E ------------------------------------------------- ---------------
B ------------------------------------------------- ---------------
G ------------------------------------------------- ---------------
D ------------------------------------------------- ---------------
A ------------------------------------------------- ---------------
E ------------------------------------------------- ---------------

The numbers written on the line to show on which fret the string
with his left hand. If a zero appears, this means playing with string
open. Like standard musical notation, read from left to right to know the sequence of notes to be played. Part of the following tab mean playing a series of notes (EFF # GG # A) on the bottom E string by moving the fret in order, starting with an open string.

E ------------------------------------------------- ---------------
B ------------------------------------------------- ---------------
G ------------------------------------------------- ---------------
D ------------------------------------------------- ---------------
A ------------------------------------------------- ---------------
E --- 0-1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 ------------------------------ ---------------

OK so far?

Here is the note being played simultaneously. If two or more notes to be played simultaneously, they are written above each other, again as standard notation.

The following example we have a block Kord G.

E ---- 3 -------------------------------------------- ----------------
B ---- 3 -------------------------------------------- ----------------
G ---- 4 -------------------------------------------- ----------------
D ---- 5 -------------------------------------------- ----------------
A ---- 5 -------------------------------------------- ----------------
E ---- 3 -------------------------------------------- ----------------

So this means play all these notes together as a chord.

Sometimes also seen the same chord written like this:

E -------- 3 ---------------------------------------- ----------------
B ------- 3 ----------------------------------------- ----------------
G ------ 4 ------------------------------------------ ----------------
D ----- 5 ------------------------------------------- ----------------
A ---- 5 -------------------------------------------- ----------------
E --- 3 --------------------------------------------- ----------------

Which means the ring with the same shape starting from the lowest string, so that each string is sounded immediately after the last string, but the notation will ring simultaneously. Below is an example of another with the same shape, but with a distance slightly larger - so you might have to pick the strings separately instead of slowly rang.

E ------------------ 3 ------------------------------ ----------------
B --------------- 3 ----- 3 --------------------------- -----------------
G ------------ 4 ----------- 4 ------------------------ -----------------
D --------- 5 ----------------- 5 --------------------- -----------------
A ------ 5 ----------------------- 5 ------------------ ----------------
E --- 3 --------------- 3 ----------------------------- -----------------

You may ask
- How do I know how fast or slow to play it?
- Are all the notation should have the same length?

This is different from the standard notation tab. Most of the Tab "no" will tell you the length of note. Usually it is up to you to listen to the song to get rhythm.

However - do not be disappointed. Tab should be able to give an indication of the time. In the example above all the notes are separated by the same distance so you can make the assumption that these notes have the same distance (maybe all of an eighth note or quarter) but this is not always true - it depends on who is writing the tab.

As a general rule, the distance from the note on the tab should tell you where the long notes and which are short and fast, but usually will not tell you if a note is a triplet or anything like that. Once again, this will depend on who is writing with the tab.

For example, here are some notes from the American National Songs in Tab. You certainly can see clearly that the difference in distance depending on the length of note.

E ----------------------- 0 -------- 4 - 2-0 ----------- ---------------
B --- 0 -------------- 0 ------------------------------ --- 0 -----------
G ------ 1 ------ 1 ---------------------------- 1 ---- 3 - ---------------
D -------- 2 ---------------------------------------- ---------------
A ------------------------------------------------- ---------------
E ------------------------------------------------- ---------------

Usually it's easier to play the tab of a song you already know better than songs you've never heard of that will be more familiar with the rhythms of familiar songs.
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tips on choosing a guitar

Guitar many models, but from all essentially just divided into two types, namely the model and heles Strat. Strat model example like fender, ibanez. Model as an example heles gibson & Telecaster (semi practically heles). Of two guitars betuk models produce different principled character, the character models fierce & Strat heles model bulet character. Before choosing a guitar should not be tough from the physical form of guitar, tp better understand first what principled character will be generated. For example PRS guitar, Strat shape at first glance, tp yg sebenernya convex contour of the body affects the sound generated reply, so basically character tetep PRS bulet wrote a little tough though.

Yg guitar sound produced depends on:

1. Quality and the basic materials of wood: Alder, basswood, mahogany, maple & rosewood. It's good quality & standard for the guitar.
2. Wood raw material for the Neck and neck model. Usual form or neck thru body
3. Fingerboard. Use a rosewood or maple, rosewood will produce a more warm sound and maple produces a more bright sound
4. Forms & model body
5. Pickups. Many models & soundnya each model is also different characters.
6. Size yg strings used. 0:10 standard size is good for rock / hard / slowrock / metal etc.
7. Pick thickness. Jgn pake yg influence in the articulation of a thin guitar sound power. Suggested use pick 3 mm stab reply.

Maybe reply number 7 many do not realize, but it was reality on the ground. Be wise to choose a guitar, let alone going to be weapon. Eligible suspected while the guitar a good guitar shop clay colors, paint or hati2 tp-four covers on the guitar body is usually to cover the guitar body weakness, for example by-used materials because now a lot of guitars that are sold are not genuine but fabricated from the brand's pirated version
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Indonesia traditional music

Republic of Indonesia is a country covering thousands of islands stretching from Sabang to Merauke, where from so many islands and its people are born, grow and develop various cultural areas. Which is the traditional art of identity, identity and expression of community media supporters.

Almost all regions have Homeland traditional music special and unique. From the uniqueness can be seen be seen from his playing techniques, presentation and form / organological musical instruments. Traditional art itself has a high spirit of collectivity, which can recognize characters and characteristic of Indonesian society, namely the famous friendly and courteous.

To learn more about traditional music closer we can be categorized into several groups:

1. Music Percussion Instruments.

Percussion is the name for all the techniques of musical instruments at the game in either by hand or stick. In this case some musical instruments belonging to the percussion instrument is the gamelan, Kendang, Santol, Arumba, Talempong, Sampek and Kolintang, Rebana, napkin, Jimbe and so on.

a. Gamelan is a musical instrument made of metal, gamelan from central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, West Java also called Degung and in Bali is Balinese gamelan. One device consists of gamelan instruments saron, demung, gongs, kenong, slentem, bonang, howl, gender and several other instruments. Besides that gamelan has a pentatonic melodies / pentatonic.

b. Kendang is a kind of percussion instrument that membrane derived from animal skins (goat). Kendang or drum can be found in many parts of Indonesia. In the area of West Java drum has an important role in the dance Jaipong. In Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java and Bali drums are always used in both games gamelan to accompany dances, puppet and ketoprak. Tifa is a kind of percussion instrument that can be encountered in the area of Papua, Maluku and Nias. Is a kind of tambourine instrument commonly used in Islamic art bernafaskan. tambourine can be found almost in parts of Indonesia.

c. Lute is a stringed musical instrument from West Java daerh. Lute organological form is a wooden box lined above strings / strings, a wooden box is useful as resonatornya. Musical instrument resembling a lute is the siter of Central Java.

d. Arumba (bamboo strains) came from West Java daereah. Arumba is a musical instrument made of bamboo material in the play with the melodic and rhythmic. Pad initially arumba use pentatonic scales, but in its development using diatonic scales.

e. Talempong is the art of Minangkabau traditional music. Talempong is a diatonic instrument pitched (do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si, do).

f. Sampek (sampe / sapek) go round shaped instrument resembling a guitar comes from Kalimantan. This musical instrument made of wood covered with ornaments / carvings are beautiful. Other stringed instrument that resembles a Sampek Hapetan of Tapanuli area, Jungga from South Sulawesi.

g. Kolintang or kulintang comes from Minahasa. This instrument has a diatonic scale which consists of all the bass instruments, melodic and rhythmic. Base material made of wood and how to play this instrument in at by using sticks.

h. Sasando stringed musical instrument is derived from the East Nusa Tenggara region, this harp made of bamboo with the given string / strings, while for resonasinya made of woven palm leaves that have a hemisphere shape.

2. Instrument strings.

Traditional musical instruments that use the techniques Rebab game is swiped. Fiddle came from West Java, Central Java, Jakarta (Betawi arts). Fiddle made of wood and covered with skin resonatornya thin, has two strings / strings and has a pentatonic scale. Other traditional musical instruments that have shaped the Ohyan fiddle resonatornya is made from coconut shell. Fiddle this kind can be found in Bali, Java and South Kalimantan.

3. Music Instruments Blow.

The flute is a wind musical instrument made of bamboo almost all regions in Indonesia can be found this instrument. Saluang is a wind instrument from West Sumatra, fife can be found in North Sumatra, Borneo. Lembang distilled from Toraja region has length between 40 - 100 cm by 2 cm in diameter.

Tarompet, serompet, bugle is the kind of wind instruments that have 4 to 6 and the tone hole to blow into a funnel-shaped. Art of traditional music using instruments such as this is folk art Tapanuli, West Java, East Java, Madura and Papua.
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