Selasa, 24 November 2009

Overcoming Practical Step 10 Troubel On Electric Guitar

For a guitarist, a guitar considered biased or a favorite item that considers a friend and even as a boyfriend. However a guitarist, will always try to understand and continue to share with his guitar. So what if your favorite guitar suddenly problematic. Here are 10 practical steps to overcome them.
1. Fret Buzzing or creaking
often cool to play guitar when suddenly we were startled by the sound of creaking guitar fret because one column is not the same. This is what is called the Fret Buzzing, or voice out one of the friction effect has eroded fret guitar. If you have this, you should do is take the paper brush, and diluting the fret the more prominent.

However you have to do with the careful and measured. Or if it is not bias, should be re-fret fretting or re-installation, only this should be done by experts to be the result satisfactory.
2. The sound of guitar noise or noise
Most of the noise on the guitar sound is because there is a cable connection that is not perfect. Most often these events happen that ground wire connected to a potentiometer body is not attached properly. Alternatively, the cable opening in the guitar body belakan not close completely. Overcome this bias justifies itself with the existing cable channels, cable opening and closing properly.
3. Neck or crooked Stang
This incident we often encounter on guitar, this is reasonable because the neck position to hold tension gut. The fix is easy, simply by loosening sting and turn truss rod atu approximately half a lap. Do it carefully because if too tight a broken truss rod bias.
4. No "In Tune" In the High Tone
This problem is referred to as intonation problems, and that should be done is to adjust the location of the bridge saddles. In the adjustment is correct saddle position of the string guitars 6 to 1 is usually not flat. For example: the stem is a string 1 (E) with a tuner, check the open positions on the fret string 12 and 24 must show exactly the same tone on the tuner. If the 12th fret note (E) generated higher with the string open positions towards the front of the sliding saddle. But if the tone of (E) in the lower 12 fret with the open string position is shifted towards the back of the saddle. Do well on another string.
5. If A Disconnect String, String Others became Regis
This incident caused the position of the bridge plate is not attached to the guitar body so that the bridge was not in a state of Floating or not in the zero position. Especially when using the bridge system up and down, a broken string of bias be a disaster for the other five strings to tune or the key. The fix is to tighten each spring on the back of the guitar body, until the whole bridge plate is attached to the guitar body.
6. Rusty String
Although these natural events, visits from a guitar string material is usually coated with nickel or steel, although they both have different levels of rust but the sweat from the hands that have acid sifatt will accelerate the process of rust or corrosion. This fact can not be avoided, only slowed by applying bias special ciran the Guitar Polish and the like.
7. The guitar sound shrinking
This is because the output from the pick-up weakened. If the coil in the pick-up is active and bekeja using batteries, check battery condition may have been discharged and need to be replaced with a new battery. To remember the components forming the pick-up the main magnets, and magnetic forces are not permanently fixed. It could be a decline in power, because the pick-up used in exposure under the sun light or heat for too long
8. Noise At Exit Beep Volume and Tone
This bias problem caused by dirty potentiometer. How to overcome that is by cleaning itself potensio using cleaner. The process is to lift the cover potensio then circled potensio while spraying a liquid cleaner.
9. Often Disconnected Guitar Sound-off
This problem is very common, usually the main cause of imperfect coaxial cable connection. The fix is easy to check directly with or directly replace it. Another thing that happens is normally the disorder, the female jack that is embedded in the guitar body, if this is the case, you must open the cover screws and open the screw cap and check the jack house, usually the legs of the jack house menggapit loose and not properly . When this happens you membengkokan bias and merapatkanya back.
10. Tune guitar tremolo bar Changed When Played
On guitar with Double Locking System / Floyd Rose System This case often occurs when the handle is often played vibrato, guitar strings or tuning becomes key. This is very possible because locking is not perfect in the "nut"
Now you know and biased increasingly understood well your favorite guitar. Once you know this trick can menularkanya on others. But that must be remembered, you must remain confident guitarist.

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