Rabu, 27 Januari 2010

tips make up a song

1. Honest.
There is no word that someone needs inspiration in composing songs. Provided that every person brave honest, must have a song that expresses a mood of high quality will be created. Keep in mind that the song that was created to show what kind of person. For example, the song Jasmine Trias' katrok 'indicates that the way their lives are still a little' katrok 'and why they are favored because ke'katrok'
of them. (ngebahas males gue nih band, but want gimana more)
2. Do not depend on the atmosphere
Ngebuat can track where dilakuin aja. Kalo kadang2 we try to be honest, wherever we can express the feelings of the heart into the song. Like the song 'Imagine' from Rice created kumpul2 than eating fried foods combined with a warm sweet tea. Simple is not it?

3. Expand your musical references
Ciptain our songs come from what we hear most, we've heard a lot Pabila songs bertempo fast and hard, well maybe our song would be much different ga with what we hear. This is, once again, shows that the need honesty in songwriting. Let us feel good songs heard and liked a lot of people, we must expand our song reference in order to sound more unique.
4. Think of the most memorable thing when making a song (whether it's happy or sad)
Kalo make a song, try to recall a memory attached to the liver. Songs can also be used as documentation of life. In fact, the documentation by using the song will feel more beautiful than kata2. This is because the song has an emotional bond with a higher nada2 beautiful and dynamic melodies that could make these memories even more beautiful.
5. Use appropriate language with the nuances of the song to add to the beauty of the song.
Why nidji use English for some songs? That's because they bener2 creation lagu2 have 'charm', if displayed in English. In contrast to bands like Rice or peterpan. If the creation of their songs sung in English, so that a deeper meaning in the lyrics of their power will not transmitted to the listener. Therefore, use appropriate language.
This kususun tips to help orang2 who want to make a song but never met ga how to do and too fixated on a standard. O yes, the last tips. Do not waste creation ugly though! If not us who appreciate our work, who else?

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